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What CA Game Wardens do


California Game Wardens are required to earn at least 60 units of college credit, with an emphasis on wildlife and law enforcement, before becoming eligble for hire.  Providing public safety for nearly 40 million Californianas while protecting California's valuable and very diverse natural resources is a complex and demanding job.  Not everyone has what it takes to patrol alone, often in remote areas with very limited communications and distant back-up, while assisting resource users and confronting armed criminals.

Marine Enforcement


California, "The Golden State", is famed for its beaches, coastline, and ocean recreation.  CA Game Wardens patrol all of California's diverse marine habitats.  Whether in full scuba gear, free-diving, foot patrol, horseback, or ATV patrol along the coastline, or on one of CDFW's 140 vessels, Wardens expose themselves to a high level of risk protecting our marine species and habitats. 


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Inland Enforcement

California has the highest biodiversity and highest endemism, or distinct plant and animal species, in the United States.  California is also the most populous state in the union.  Game Wardens serve all of California, from urban to the most remote rural areas.  California has the second highest extinction threat levels in the United States.  Game Wardens risk their lives on a daily basis to protect California's wildlife and habitats, from trophy blacktail deer to Mountain quail and from waterfowl to Pacific fishers. 



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Marijuana & Watershed Enforcement


California is known for many things.  Unfortunately drought and illegal marijuana cultivation are two of them.  This combination is deadly to wildlife, watersheds, and other natural resources.  CA Game Wardens and many other local, state, and federal law enfocement officers face the last and most deadly risk posed by outlaw marijuana growers.  Typically remote and well armed, these outlaw camps are the epitome of what CA Game Wardens risk everyday to protect the safety of California's citizens, visitors, and the natural resouces we all demand and deserve.


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Oil Spill and Pollution Response


California has unfortunately endured some very high-profile, and some very recent, large scale oil spills.  CDFW Wardens in the Oil Spill and Pollution Response unit are integral to the protection of these terrible events.  When an event occurs, Game Wardens coordinate with federal agencies and work dilligently to abate, clean up, and prevent further damage.  As recently as early 2015, Game Wardens were called to action in Santa Barbara and Goleta for the large scale oil pollution event that occurred there.


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K9 Patrol Unit


Game Wardens have many tools at their disposal.  None rivals the abilities of well-trained, highly-motivated K9 Unit. 


Game Warden K9's are trained to protect the handler and the public with physical apprehension of violent suspects.  They are also trained to detect a wide range of wildlife and invasive species.  Game Warden K9 teams ability to track and trail suspects through any terrain, and detect firearms and ammunition is a huge benefit to other local, state, and federal agencies


Click here to learn more.

Air Sevices Unit


Game Warden Pilots provide high-risk, high-quality support and investigation from above. 


Game Warden Pilots have been conducting flights for years to locate outlaw night hunters.  As California changes though, Wardens have adapted.  Pilots are no exception.  Many flights are focused on coastal and marine poaching,  habitat destruction, illegal marijuana cultivation, and overwatch for tactical operations.


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